Test Code CXCSF Culture, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) with Gram Stain
Performing Laboratory
Hunterdon Medical Center Laboratory
Special Instructions
A gram stain is performed on a centrifuged specimen, any positive findings are reported immediately to the physician.
All organisms recovered in culture are reported to the physician immediately.
Specimen Required
CSF is collected into sterile screw-capped tubes.
Tubes must be numbered in the order of the collection.
Volume required (minimum):
- Bacteria ≥1ml
- Fungi ≥2ml
- AFB ≥2ml
- Virus ≥1ml
Specimen Type
CSF: Obtained by lumbar puncture.
CSF: Collected from Ommaya reservoir.
Aspirate: From brain abscess or biopsy: transport anaerobically and order anaerobic culture as well as routine culture.
Specimen Transport Temperature
Ambient. Do Not Refrigerate, deliver within 15 minutes.
Specimen is delivered to Hematology for accessioning.
If only one CSF tube is collected, it should be submitted first to Microbiology after accessioning; otherwise tube #2 is used for Microbiology testing.
Specimen Stability Information
Ambient: 24 hours.
Note: If Viral Studies are requested: Refrigerate 2-8°C if delayed; deliver ≤72 hours.
Related Viral tests referred to Mayo Clinical Laboratories:
HSVPR Herpes Simplex Virus, Molecular Detection, PCR
EVPCR Epstein-Barr Virus, Molecular Detection, PCR
JCPCR JC Virus, Molecular Detection, PCR
WNVPCR West Nile Virus, Molecular Detection, PCR
VIRNR Viral Culture, Non-Respiratory
Reject Due To
1.CSF specimens are considered “irreplaceable”, however any condition compromising the acceptability or viability of the specimen will be noted in the report.
2. AFB and fungal culture will only be performed if the cell count is abnormal and the protein and/or glucose levels are abnormal.
Specimens that do not meet these criteria will be cancelled and the test(s) designated as “Not Indicated”. A report will be generated and the CSF will be held for 7 days.
Exception: CSF from patients who are immunosuppressed, neutropenic, on steroids, etc will be cultured for AFB/fungus at the request of the Infectious Disease physician(s).
Day(s) Performed
Monday through Sunday.
Reference Values
No growth after five days.
Method Name
Conventional culture and Biochemical Identification methods; Gram stain is performed. Positive cultures will be followed by susceptibility at an additional charge.